Beginning Basket Weaving: The Erika Napkin Basket with Robin Hall
April 12th Registration opens February 11th Last minute class: March Beginning Rigid Heddle: Kitchen Towels with Kelly Walsh. One spot left! March Workshop: Sashiko Ori workshop with Beth Ross Johnson. March 28th, 29th & 30th. Registration Now open! For more information: |
About UsTriangle Weavers Guild has been inspiring fiber artists for over 50 years and supporting weavers at every level of experience.
GatheringsMeet like-minded fiber folk: find out what is happening, where it's happening, and when. Monthly meetings, events and more. It's a busy calendar!
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Classes and WorkshopsFind the class to fit your needs, a workshop to bump up your skills, and the information to make it all happen.
Discover some of the exciting possibilities in fiber arts and join with others to learn, explore and play.
Meet some of the best weaving mentors and teachers in NC and find the perfect match to help guide you through the weaver's world.
Triangle Fiber Arts CenterCome to TFAC during an Open Hours/Drop-In time and enjoy browsing our extensive fiber library.
Good Helpful StuffFind your next favorite piece of equipment, access general reference sheets or peruse some of our favorite links. Access the website Site Map.
InspirationGet inspired! See what others have done: illustrated in our 'Hot Off the Loom' and our 'Artist Gallery' pages.
ConnectionsLinks to our Blog, our Social Media, current and past Newsletters, the Members Directory and Yearbook, our YouTube channel and the Listening Project.
Member PerksSpecial Members-Only programs, including Illoominations, equipment rental, private classified advertisements, proprietary reference sheets, and tips and techniques.
Practical MattersMeet the Board, manage your membership, and find the form or document you need.