Study Groups

Guild members who have particular interests form study groups to share ideas, learn and explore and inspire one another in a positive small group environment. Some study groups focus on exploration of structures like lace, doubleweave, crackle or overshot, or explore color, sewing with their handwovens, surface design or any number of topics. These groups meet outside the regular monthly meeting and are generally ongoing.
Any member may initiate a study group by putting a notice in the newsletter or by making an announcement at a general meeting. Because some study groups meet in members' homes, the size of a specific group may be limited.
Any member may initiate a study group by putting a notice in the newsletter or by making an announcement at a general meeting. Because some study groups meet in members' homes, the size of a specific group may be limited.
TWG Study Groups Updated 12/6/2024
Advanced Color Study Group
We are focused on how to optimize color selections in weaving. Extending our color study beyond the basics, we further examine the application of color theory and concepts to weaving, especially the intersection of color with fiber and weaving structures. We challenge ourselves to incorporate what we learn into our woven work and collaborate on shared experiences that enhance our individual efforts and foster fun and fellowship. Completion of the TWG Beginning Color Class or similar education is a necessary foundation to participation. We are currently a full group but watch this space for openings. The group meets the second Monday of each month from 11:30 to 2:00, preferably in person at TFAC in Room 1. Contact person: Debbie Silar [email protected] |
* New! All About Structure
This is a startup facilitated by Jane Bynum but organized and led by new members.
We will meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
We will be primarily project based, with an emphasis on learning, not on creating all the possible samples. We will focus on one structure at a time, working through the drafting and sampling on the way to a finished item.
Contact: Jane Bynum, [email protected]
This is a startup facilitated by Jane Bynum but organized and led by new members.
We will meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
We will be primarily project based, with an emphasis on learning, not on creating all the possible samples. We will focus on one structure at a time, working through the drafting and sampling on the way to a finished item.
Contact: Jane Bynum, [email protected]
* New! Colorplay
Color is the most powerful design element regardless of your fiber arts. Come
explore color and design as it relates to fiber and craft. Weavers, Dyers, Felters,
Spinners, Knitters, Basket Makers, Collagists..... all are welcome.
Contact: Deborah Amaral, [email protected]
Color is the most powerful design element regardless of your fiber arts. Come
explore color and design as it relates to fiber and craft. Weavers, Dyers, Felters,
Spinners, Knitters, Basket Makers, Collagists..... all are welcome.
Contact: Deborah Amaral, [email protected]

Contemporary Textile Discussion Group (Contemp.T)
Each month a new topic relating to contemporary textiles is chosen. Members independently research the topic and meet to share and discuss their findings. The focus is on "ideas" and "what if's".
This group meets second Monday of the month from 2 pm until 4 pm at TFAC.
Coordinator: Chris Kesner [email protected]
$FAB$: Fiber Arts for Business: Selling Your Fiber Art This group is geared towards selling your fiber art. We brainstorm and share ideas about selling online, improving your online presence, using social media to help your sales, finding and entering craft shows, making beautiful displays at those shows, talking about pros and cons about showing in galleries, etc. For the past few years we have served as the planning committee for the Annual Show and sale at TFAC. Meetings will occur every month or two on zoom or at a member's house. Email Pattie Lamb at [email protected] if interested. |
* Fiber Exploration An exploration of "fiber" (including paper, wire, anything + traditional fiber) with no loom required. 3rd Monday of the month from 1-3 pm at TFAC, no meeting in December. Contact person: Carol Gunther-Mohr [email protected] |
Handwoven I Discussion Group This group meets to discuss Handwoven magazine and members' recent projects. Members need to subscribe to Handwoven. At present this group is at capacity. We meet from 2-4 pm on the first Tuesday of the month, usually taking the summer off. Meetings are held at TFAC. Contact person: Sandy Lyles [email protected] |
* Handwoven Study South (HSS) This group meets to discuss Handwoven magazine and members' recent projects. Members need to subscribe to Handwoven. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month between September and May from 6:30 to 8 pm at Marion Flint's house in Raleigh. Contact person: Marion Flint [email protected], 919-301-8779 |
* Heddle to the Metal Rigid Heddle Study Group An exploration of rigid heddle weaving. The group meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, in person at TFAC. Contact person: Katherine Rickett [email protected] 757-650-5644 Hillary Griffin [email protected] 336-263-6643 |
* New! Historical Weaving
Sharing, interpreting, and weaving old pattern drafts. Creating drafts from examples of old textiles.
Meets 1st Tuesday every other month on Zoom.
Contact: Jennifer Johnson, [email protected]
Sharing, interpreting, and weaving old pattern drafts. Creating drafts from examples of old textiles.
Meets 1st Tuesday every other month on Zoom.
Contact: Jennifer Johnson, [email protected]
* Mad Hatchers
Tapestry Expressions Demi-duites, pick and pick, hatching and hachures; these are just a few of the tapestry techniques we explore as we gather to study this weft-faced weaving art form. This group is self-led and flexible, due to the slow process of tapestry development and weaving, with members often at different stages in their creations. This group meets on the first Thursday of the month from 9:30 to 11:30 am at TFAC, in room 3. If you are interested in joining this study group, please contact Carol Lerner, [email protected], to be added to the email notification list. |
* More Than Four Study Group
(Previously known as the 8H Study group) A colleague supported focus on weaving structures that use more than four harnesses/shafts. The group employs an approach that encourages and facilitates self-learning and achieving personal goals combined with the sharing of resources, knowledge, experience, and feedback. Examining threadings, tie-ups, and treadlings, as well as fiber choices and fabric purpose are all parts of the discovery process. Since its inception during the pandemic, members have explored plaited twills, broken twills, and undulating twills, with inspiration from drafts in Carol Strickler's compendium and, producing a variety of samples and projects based on individual interests. This “relaxed study group” emphasizes inspiration over deadlines. Meets the first Monday of every other month (August, October, December, February, April, June) at 10:30 am. For now, we are meeting via Zoom. Contact person: Jane Bynum at [email protected] |
* Shibori Study Group
This group explores the variety of Shibori techniques to create resist patterns on cloth, including binding on commercial fabric and hand woven items, as well as woven shibori. Members independently research techniques and create pieces to discuss. Various dyeing methods, including chemical dyes, indigo, natural dyes, and eco-printing are also discussed. Meetings are held at TFAC on the 3rd Sunday at 2 pm. Contact Kelli Crispin, [email protected] , if interested. |

* Social Spinners
This is a monthly meet up for spinners to get together, spin, and chat. We meet one Saturday per month from 1-3 pm at TFAC. Please check the guild guild calendar for dates. All are welcome.
Contact Alecia Willis [email protected] for more info.
This is a monthly meet up for spinners to get together, spin, and chat. We meet one Saturday per month from 1-3 pm at TFAC. Please check the guild guild calendar for dates. All are welcome.
Contact Alecia Willis [email protected] for more info.
* New! TWG East
An opportunity for eastern guild members to meet quarterly in person to share weaving techniques, show and tell, and weaving support.
Contact: Jennifer Johnson, [email protected]
An opportunity for eastern guild members to meet quarterly in person to share weaving techniques, show and tell, and weaving support.
Contact: Jennifer Johnson, [email protected]
This group studies one weave structure at a time. One structure is researched, and participants weave samples and projects that pertain to the subject and share them at our meetings. Structures that have been studied so far have included doubleweave, huck lace, turned taqueté and crackle weave. The group offers good support for weavers of all levels. We meet the first Monday evening of each month at 7 pm at TFAC. Although the group is currently at maximum size, members do occasionally drop out. If you are interested in joining, contact Pattie Lamb at [email protected]. |
* Beyond the Pale
Member led learning/sharing guided by individual interests and passions. We are interested in all things related to color and color perception, using multi faceted modes of exploration. We intend to develop weaving projects to facilitate learning, and plan field trips as well.
Completion of the TWG Beginning Color Class or similar education is a necessary foundation to participation.
Every 6 weeks on Wednesday, 1 - 3 pm at TFAC or Foster's.
Contact: Margaret Keating, [email protected]
Member led learning/sharing guided by individual interests and passions. We are interested in all things related to color and color perception, using multi faceted modes of exploration. We intend to develop weaving projects to facilitate learning, and plan field trips as well.
Completion of the TWG Beginning Color Class or similar education is a necessary foundation to participation.
Every 6 weeks on Wednesday, 1 - 3 pm at TFAC or Foster's.
Contact: Margaret Keating, [email protected]